Randall & Ashley Downs | Wedding | Kirby Woods Baptist Church | Memphis Wedding Photographer

It's my JOY to introduce to you Mr. & Mrs. Downs!
Randall and Ashley are MARRIED!!! I have had the privilege of knowing these two for quite some time. Randall and I went to seminary together and Ashley and I go back all the way to grade school. Our families went to church together when we were young so we played ball together and all kinds of fun kid stuff. While we lost touch for many years, thanks to the internet I have been able to keep up with her and all her life accomplishments. I was overjoyed to hear they were dating and even more excited when I found out they were engaged. I remember having a conversation with Randall about how he should totally date Ashley (and I wasn't the only one who told him.) Ashley waited oh so patiently and finally Randall came to his senses. These two are so incredibly kind, loving, and are both very talented musicians. To be a part of their wedding day was such a blessing. Currently, they live in Arizona helping plant a church. For their wedding day, they came home to Memphis to the church where they had met and spent years becoming best friends. They were surrounded by so many family members and friends who were so supportive and excited to see them become husband and wife.
Randall & Ashley, Thank you for letting me play a role in your wedding day. From beginning to end, it was one incredible day. I am wishing you two years & years of love, adventure, and good music.